
A new beginning


06-07-2013, 09:58 PM

A sigh hovered in the confines of his jaws, but he didn't dare let it go. Not a sound escaped the boy save for the few words he had spoken earlier. His tail did not move except to hang limply at his haunches now that dominance and stature was no longer necessary. She knew who he was, knew what his title was, and reinforcing it would do him no good. Some part of him was screaming in his head, screaming for him to hate her - to grow, to snarl, to turn and walk away. She had caused him so much pain and strife, she and her family. he should leave, he wanted to leave, but instead he remained where he was. Another part of him desired to know why she was here, what had brought his only vice back to him for another round of torture.

She had come here in Chrysanthe's place. What was that place? Ah yes, his betrothed. But how could that be? His father and her brother had chosen Chrysanthe personally for the pact between packs. More information. She'd stepped down as Valhallas alpha to marry him. She gave that all up for him? Why? His brow furrowed as he took a tentative step forward, tail flashing once between his hocks. "You stepped down as Alpha?" He tilted his head, features softening slightly. "How did this happen?" The boy swept forward, bringing his cheek to the plush fur of her neck - breathing in her scent. This had to be a dream, though he'd never even been able to dream something so wonderful - no matter how hard he'd tried.

She spoke, mentioning his father. "He didn't mind the change?" Gerhardt didn't know Epiphron from any other stranger, and he didn't know of their secret love. How had she managed to make him comfortable with such a sudden change in the arrangements? He'd seemed so confident on Chrysanthe. He would attempt to lean into her gently, feeling as if he could never get close enough to Epiphron, his love, his betrothed.
