
dont you bore us



10 Years
Extra large
03-22-2015, 07:11 PM
ooc. the email notification for this tag scared the crap out of me this morning

As the meager light of the moon offered its illumination, a familiar form came into sight. Breath would catch in her throat, like she'd swallowed her tongue. Blocky cranium would swing to one side, revealing the stain upon the lower jaw that she had foreseen would be there. A low, gravelly set of vocals would announce a disagreement. Could this really be? Optics would lock upon his form, hesitant movements releasing her from the confines of the niche. Tentative steps would carry the alabaster dancer across the stone floor, to gaze upon the male. It had been so long, and she had grown so much since then. The femme was so used to looking up at her brother, that this angle of view was physically disturbing to her. There was no way this was him.

The male turned away from her before she could get too close, offering her his back. Slowly, the woman would appraise the male. The markings were so close, the build. It could very well be him. But the brother she knew would have run by now. Would have fled her presence like a coward. That's what he'd done last time, and got himself a brand new fucking family. Obviously she hadn't been good enough for him back then. A spark of anger would flare in her chest, heating her blood. Heart hammering out a staccato beat, the rush of blood in her ears; it made her breaths sound painfully loud. He stepped out of the cavern, just one paw leaving the safety. That just cinched it for her, his willingness to risk his own painful death rather than look upon her. That little slap in the face that she'd been dealt so many times in her childhood. Soft melodies would meet the air, "Viddy?" she would breathe. She couldn't help the familiar nickname that left her lips before anything more formal. Did she even really care anymore? Obviously she meant nothing to her own flesh and blood. Why should she even be bothering? Mercury pools were wide, disbelieving. Had she found him already?

Expression would harden then, a mask of cold indifference. He wouldn't care to see her with such emotions, it wouldn't make a difference to him. Sculpted audits would lower toward her skull, waiting for him to run. He very plainly didn't want anything to do with her, even now. A crisp breeze stirred her pelt, coaxing the cobalt feathers at her breast into a gentle ballet. The scent of her brother caught in her nostrils, icing on the cake. Yes, this was him. She could never really forget the male who had cared for her when no one else would, and learned to hunt so she wouldn't starve as a babe. Such a sudden change it had been, when he'd left her. After that, it had just been her, wandering on her own. Family was a broken word in her head.