
we're young and reckless



3 Years
03-22-2015, 08:25 PM
Though she craved his gentle touch at times, she was far more familiar with the fiery sort of relationship they shared. Fighting him -- though she knew it would ultimately be a friend spar -- was thrilling to the core, and she found her body begin to wiggle as she readied herself for the assault. Lysis was far stronger now and wouldn't be beat as easily as she had been once before. 'I wouldn't dream of giving you the first move,' he'd spit at her and she found herself smirking in return.

Her gaze swept over his form, aiming to settle into a defensive position as soon as she saw his limbs shift and a muscle begin to move ever-so-slightly beneath his dark coat. Not wanting to be caught off balance, she would shift her own position, lowering her body slightly with her legs bent at a slight angle, her center of gravity aligning with the middle of her back as her legs and her toes stretched to dig into the soil for traction. Her own tail would unfurl where it lay curled at her hocks, aligning with her spine as she dipped her head low, eyes narrowing as she zeroed in on him.  The girl's normally sweet expression would harden substantially as her ears pulled back against the top of her head, eyes narrowing.

It wasn't surprising that he ran straight for her, instantly aiming to swipe at her front right leg. The pressure, though it didn't come at a surprise, was a bit more than she had anticipated -- perhaps she had forgotten that he had grown significantly since their last fight, but the pressure of his limb sent her stumbling ever-so-slightly to the left, but she would try to regain her balance as she felt his parted jaws colliding with the left side of her neck. Though firm, the bite was not meant to harm and would merely seek to hold her tight by the scruff of her neck. A delicate bruise would spread over her flesh, a soreness that would likely fade by the end of the day.

Adrenaline flooded the small girl's frame as she felt the slight pain ebb through her neck. A snarl of her own would rip through her throat as she aimed to part her own jaws, wanting to snap them at the side of his chest, the slightly sensitive spot where Kyart's chest met his side. Though she wasn't intending to hurt -- not much, at least -- the force in her attempted bite was strong enough to hope to grab hold of his flesh and perhaps cause a fair bit of pain if possible.

Round 1 / 2 for regular spar

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.