
my back has been breaking from this heavy heart

Tiresias I


06-07-2013, 10:09 PM
i'm the lonelier version of you

Tiresias hadn't seen the other wolf approaching but he had heard him. He turned to face the male, who seemed about the same age as he was. The wolf seemed friendly enough and even though Tiresias wasn't normally very talkative, he could use some company.

The light-colored male called attention to his sullenness and although Tiresias didn't smile, his amusement was clear in the snort he gave. His love life was non-existent, simply because of the lack of females in the area he'd come from. "Yeah, something like that," he replied, his eyes losing a bit of their amused sparkle. "Family ties, obligations, the like." He was surprised that he'd offered that much information to a stranger but the other wolf was so kind that he would have been rude not to.

It was strange, being offered a meal he hadn't worked for. Tiresias didn't know how to accept the gift from a total stranger, but he would do the best he could with what he knew and hope it went over with good graces. "If you're offering, I'd be grateful," he said. Realizing that his reply was rather short and blunt, he continued, adding a bit more to the conversation. He'd seem ill-mannered if he left it at that, and that was the last thing he wanted. "Eat your fill, I'll take the rest." It was only fair, it was the other's kill and he'd be wrong to take it away.

This is more than I usually talk in a day! he thought. He wasn't much of a talker to begin with, and after days of being in complete solitude, he felt like he was chattering away. Your name, Tiresias. Don't stand there looking simple, introduce yourself, a voice in his head reminded, and he was shocked that he had forgotten. Maybe it was the surprise of the encounter he hadn't expected to have.

"Name's Tiresias. Yourself?"

tag: Natsu ? notes: I should have looked more closely! lol Thanks! ? credit for lineart: akreon