
dont you bore us



10 Years
Extra large
03-22-2015, 10:27 PM
It felt like eons, that she waited, her vocalization hanging in empty air between them. Gods, she should have left it alone. He did look over his shoulder, steely optics glassy. She was momentarily taken aback. This was not how she'd pictured their encounter going at all. There was something in his eyes, something close to what she herself felt in her own chest right now. Her own name fell into empty space, wreathed in faint mist. These mountains still held their chills, in the dead of summer. Crown would dip hesitantly, and rise again in a slow nod. Affirmative hum rose in pitch briefly in her throat. Her own voice was locked away in a tightening throat, unable to be trusted. Stoicism would start to fade, porcelain mask chipped away bit by bit. It was hardly ever that Viddy got emotional, he'd always been a very cold wolf; even in their youth. His offered meals had come with a cool expression, affection doled out with a distant look in his eye. She remembered it all dimly, it had been just a little too long to be clear anymore.

Sluggish paws would trail backward a pace, offering space to the other. She would not admit she wanted to put distance between them now, unsure of what might happen. Mercury pools would narrow in the slightest, brows knit together. Audits fell even closer to her skull, a barely hidden expression of hurt. "You gonna run away now?" Soft lyrics would enquire, harsh and acidic. That old scar was starting to tear at the seams, after so long. He'd abandoned her, just like the rest. Svetovid wasn't the knight in shining armor she'd made him out to be in her youth. Her jab was uncalled for, sure, but hadn't she earned it at this point? Everything from her first winter on, had been up to her to take care of. She hadn't even gotten to grow up before she'd had to become an adult, and it was disgusting. At least her mothers second abandonment hadn't been her own fault- she'd died. What was Svetovid's excuse? That query rang in her mind, clear as a bell. Was it that she'd become too great a burden? That he'd decided she wasn't worth it anymore?

Ivory plume would curl loosely toward her rump, waiting for him to say something. He had to have some reason for leaving, some way to explain why he'd gone off and gotten himself a new pack and a new family. She didn't want it to, but that desperation for knowledge burned into her brain like a white hot branding iron. She had to know, put her fears to rest.