
I am trying



4 Years
03-23-2015, 05:13 AM

As much as she hated to be dishonest towards her family, her mind interpreted this secret to be almost harmless. If the point he was trying to send across earlier was to keep such things to herself, then secrets were the most suitable way to store them now that he was aware of this information. Perhaps he didn't approve of secrets altogether. Hopefully that was not the case.
"Of course." She reminded with soft friendly nudge and a wink. In a hushed whisper she added on to help him catch on to her drift. "Favourite brother. Remember?"

He didn't seem too bothered with the lack of teaching going on within the pack, unlike her. If there was a legit reason to support why there wasn't, she might reconsider the fuss her thoughts were making out of it. Some days she preferred exercising her skills on an individual basis while other days she found herself in the mood for quality teamwork where she could learn from others. After spending many hunts with herself, it was only natural for her to desire a change of pace. Was she improving by carrying out her practices solitarily? Perhaps not as much compared to learning from many other educated minds.

"Like...." Her words trailed off to a mumble as her mind searched for an example of Threar's current eventful lifestyle. That was another thing she had to make an improvement on and that was keeping herself up to date with what was happening around the pack. Although this was the sole purpose of pack meetings, many things could happen in between. She wasn't nosy or anything along those lines, just curious as to why the pack was busy. "Like mother would be busy with Fate and Luck, but I haven't seen much of her recently."
With her previous mention, she hoped to extract additional information from her brother. Did he know of the reason behind their mother's occasional disappearance? She would only receive a reply if he knew or wished to speak of it.
