
earth angel [cypress]



4 Years
03-23-2015, 12:04 PM
Arian started to listen a little more closer to him. Her head tilted for a moment, there were still wolves who thought like that. While she had to disagree with him, some things broke her down into nothing. The thoughts of being alone, it frightened her if she was alone for too long. Things died down a little since she settled here. She shook her head. "While as tragic as it was if they hadnt died I wouldn't have met my mother." It might have been bad to say that but it was true. She sighed looking at the ground. "I am not strong, I dive deeper into the hole im digging everyday." Though she stood up crippled leg off to the side as she approached him. Her crystal eyes studying the male.

"I used to be strong, I was a princess and at one point a queen. But I sneered at my last name I asked someone to maim me, I gave into temptation of sin and then ended up as a slave. If it weren't for the male that was with me I would have wasted away." She tried to say it delicately. "Im afraid, afraid of touch and afraid of what I might do in any situation." Arian sat down closer to cypress. "I wish I wasn't so afraid but I am. My hearts so broken theres barely any pieces left of it." Arian blinked. Oh my she had told him too much hadnt she. Arian lowered her ears eyes staring at the ground. "Im sorry, its odd im more comfortable around you and it just spilled out. I didn't mean to make this about me." She shut her eyes for a moment.