
earth angel [cypress]


03-23-2015, 01:59 PM
The young man listened once more, frowning as she first spoke. The words were darker, but he could sense there was some sort of truth to them. At least the first ones. But it was the next ones that truly bothered him, and Cypress would give a shake of his head. “So maybe it’s true about your mother, but I don’t believe that you’re not strong at all. You might think you’re digging further into a hole, but you’re just being challenged further because of the strength you hold.” Cy kept his voice gentle as he went on.

“Life will bend you and shape you. You had it all and lost it, you made some mistakes. All of us make mistakes in our lives, even sin. But how we respond to it is what matters. You lost your way and ended up getting hurt. But... You’re still here. You’re still alive. You think that it’s simply because someone helped you, but Arian if you didn’t have at least some will to live you would have wasted away. It wasn’t like he could force you to eat and drink, even if he brought the things to you.”

Cypress would offer a gentle, sad smile. “It is natural to be afraid. Fear is a part of living, and every living creature has something that they are afraid of. We work together to cover our weaknesses, to build each other up. You’re not lost, Arian. You’re hurt, yes, but others can help. Fiori can help. I believe your mother might have put you in charge of monitoring my entrance into the pack to not just make sure I’m trustworthy, but to show you she feels you can overcome this as well.”  

Cy would shake his head slowky. “It’s alright. I’m happy to help, Miss Arian. Truth be told... I can connect with you a bit. Not in the same way, but I too have suffered lost. My reason for coming to Alacritia was the death of my parents, when all I could do was watch them go.” Cypress closed his eyes. “The hardest thing to do is get up and carry on after someone dies. To get up after we stumble and fall. But those of us who do... That is the real strength. You’re able to go on your own way Arian, even if it’s just in Fiori lands. It shows you’re recovering.” He would smile brightly again, opening his bicolored eyes.  

“So I know you can make it.”