



5 Years
03-23-2015, 03:00 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She waited just long enough to start getting antsy before Kassander showed up, and as soon as he came close enough for her to notice that he was not quite as whole and healthy as he had been during their last meeting she felt a strange, guilty twist in her gut. Crap. Something had happened, and because she had been too busy hiding away and dealing with her own personal issues Callisto had missed it. That was a mark against her, surely, though she was more sour over not being able to use her knowledge of plants and herbs. Here had been a good moment to return to that role, and instead she had been holed away inside of her old den cursing her luck and swearing off men for the rest of her days. Her horrible luck just never seemed to fade.

Frowning, the black and grey wolf lowered her gaze and followed suit with her head, trying for something respectful and subordinate just to keep peace with Ebony's leader. But when he spoke - Calli, when was the last time someone had called her Calli? - there was no aggression, not even a hint of it. If anything he just sounded...tired.

Deciding not to waste his time, Callisto glanced once directly at him, released a heavy sigh, and charged right in. "I haven't been around - which you know," she clarified, because he had to know or else he was extremely more dense than she had taken him for, "but I needed to explain." She gave herself no time to think about what she said, no time to second guess her decision to trust Kassander with the information, but spoke quickly before she could close off again. "Max said he loved me, and I ran. I've been hiding in the Stone Steppe, trying to stay away from him, but it's no use, and it's stupid. I don't want to hide. I don't want to feel like a captive again. I need things to do, a job to focus on, but I don't want to be around him." Just thinking about it all made her want to run again. Feeling more lost for being so close to the sanctuary she had yearned for and yet so far from that memory, Callisto shook her head and sighed in agitation, "I don't know what I should do."