
Taste of adventures past



6 Years
Extra large
03-23-2015, 04:49 PM

The deeply protecting feeling inside of him for Anais just kept growing with each and every one of her actions. This feeling was different to any he had felt before, and that in itself should have warned him. He was protective by nature, protective of his sisters and brothers, these wolves he considered under his care. To feel the need to protect someone was as second nature to him as breathing. Feeling protective of Anais now that he knew her and considered her his closest unrelated friend was only to be expected, but it was how different it felt that should have warned him that it meant more, that she meant more.

Well Anais understood and had come to terms with her feelings, Glacier was still swimming in unknown territory, reaching out without knowing what he reached out for. Drawing her closer and closer to his heart every moment they spent together, and this, coming from a wolf who prided himself on his observational skills just stood there as every point of these moments passed him by, unknown, unobserved.

Well they sat there together, her body against his, his head resting a fraction of its weight gently against her own skull, and the remnants of the day would pass them by. The stars where more distinct as they took ownership of the sky now, and the orange and deep blue wolf would be bathed in a shimmering silver-blue light. He could see the soft delicate fur of her forehead, the velvet deeper tones of her ears, and the tips of her nose from the angle he rested on, and the view of her brought an amused smile twitching to the corners of his lips, through he couldn't say why.

The silence stretched out between the two, but it was comfortable, companionable, something they shared that was only for them both. Almost regretfully, Glacier would break that silence with a soft observation. “Its a beautiful view” he mused, almost more to himself then to her, and he wasn't referring to the sky or the ocean or the wide cliff top view.. no, he solely meant her. Perhaps, just maybe, he was begging to realize a little of his feelings for the girl beside him.