
I'm Not Gonna Write You a Love Song



06-08-2013, 12:02 AM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2013, 12:03 AM by Song.)

She giggled slightly as he licked her nose, he was so sweet. She enjoyed his presence an incredible amount. She continued eating the pink salmon while he trotted away to capture one for himself. She didn't think about it, but he was very close to where she was eating. Would he be good enough to keep her from getting wet? She should have never doubted him. After he was able to get his massive jaws around another helpless fish, he let his feet carry him far enough away that she would be kept from getting wet. He was pretty great, and Song was thankful that she had met him.
It was incredibly sudden the way he had come into her life, she hadn't even been sure of their continuing a friendship. What she was sure of now though, was that he would be a lot bigger part of her future than she had ever anticipated. She could feel her feelings intensify with each passing moment, unsure how it was even possible that she was falling so hard for someone she hardly knew. She wasn't upset though, she was glad cupid decided to target her. There were much worse fates she could have chosen.
He brought his fresh catch up to where she was eating and dropped his own fish close to her. His teeth ripping into the delicate flesh, sating his hunger. He sighed contentedly, and she could not help but to join him. "This is the greatest breakfast I've had in quite a time." It had been a pretty big fish so she could feel her stomach start to stretch, but she just couldn't stop eating the delicious fish. "You're the best, Cherokee."
Her smile spread wide across her maw. She was having one of the best days of her life.
