
gotta keep going



03-23-2015, 07:43 PM (This post was last modified: 03-23-2015, 07:51 PM by Shaw.)
"I'll be fine," he managed through gritted teeth. He was hurt but there was no sense in frightening her. He would get over it soon enough, though he imagined his paw would be sore for at least the rest of the day. It would be even more of a struggle to hide his discomfort in their travels now that he was injured. He breathed in slowly and deeply, ignoring the pain and her insistence that a kiss would make it better. He swiveled his soot stained muzzle toward her, softening his features as he responded kindly but firmly. "No thanks." Eyes of amethyst pivoted away from her at once as he noticed movement not far away from them. A woman was approaching them, her posture low and rather unthreatening. His brow wrinkled skeptically as he watched her come nearer, asking him if he was alright. He shook his head, but made no sound - still eying her as if she might morph into a pup-eating monster. She had lowered herself to her belly, which relaxed him ever so slightly, but he couldn't figure out why she was talking to them in the first place.

Oh that's right, they were pups. Alone. In the dust.

'This isn't a good place for children to be. Do you need help getting back home?' Uh well yes, that would be nice, if home still existed. He leaned into his sister, attempting to reassure her and keep as close to her as possible. He wouldn't let anything happen to her. "We don't have a home," he started, but wasn't satisfied with how that sounded or how it made them look. "We aren't from here." That sounded better somehow, like they had some intention of finding someplace in the near future. "I'm Shaw, this is Miliani." He hoped the information would appease the curious woman and keep her from turning into the pup-eating monster he still feared she might be.

Another appeared, a man who offered a bandage. His voice was deep and rumbling, and for a moment Shaw would turn his purple gaze upon the second stranger. "Um, I don't know.." he voiced, suddenly uncomfortable. He and his sister no longer outnumbered the woman, for now she had someone on her side. "Are you with her?" he queried of the dark man.
Miliani is permitted to enter any thread Shaw is involved in.