
A frozen Waste


02-12-2013, 05:04 PM
Ookami smiled and begun to run after him, she was not as fast as he was in the snow but she did managed to pull her body through it. Her legs were raised high with every step to get some speed and distance with every leap. Yes she was more jumping than running in the snow, If you were to look at it you would see a black dot leap out of the snow now and again just to be consumed by the white stuff that flew into the air after every jump she made. Her ears were up and tongue was hanging out of her mouth as she tried to keep up with Thane.

She soon found her self with a face full of snow, a laugh escaped her muzzle as she took her head and flung some snow in Thane's direction. Her tail was up and swaying with delight as she too fell in to the snow. Ookami dug her self under the white stuff and she was soon consumed by the snow. She made ehr way to Thane and jsut a few inches from him she popped out of the snow laughing. A huge bundle of snow was flung in thane's direction. She was laughing even more now.

"Thane i got you" She laughed and licked his muzzle.