
--sign in blood--



06-08-2013, 01:08 AM (This post was last modified: 06-08-2013, 01:09 AM by Chrysanthe.)
The sun dusted female didn't seem to be capable of many words- she was in pain, and Chrysanthe had the inkling that she should call for a healer. Even if she wasn't exactly in labor, she was close enough for that just in case to be taken. For now, she noticed the other female's crumbling posture, and moved to stand beside her, offering her a shoulder to lean on. "It's a pleasure, Jupiter." Ludicael, it must have been a smaller pack, because it was one that she hadn't heard of nor met anyone from it. She hadn't seen any of whatever the little creature was either - he was strange looking, almost wolven but there was something small and almost rodent like about his features that left one feeling like he got mixed up along the way. Almost wolven but not quite.

Letting the creature follow, but keeping a quiet eye on him as they walked - she would lead her to the closest most comfortable place that she could think of. The plains that Valhalla was built on were excellent for meetings, and the pack thrived - but there weren't as many places to speak in private as one would have in a forest of jungle. Trees littered the area, but it was nothing that would necessarily block out the sun during the day. "Rest here." She offered, halting in her slow place. It was a grassy little nest of a spot, next to a couple of short trees that still had quite a bit of growing to do. She would wait until the other female was comfortable before she would attempt to question her. "What brings you all the way here?" She smelled of eastern lands, being close enough to the other woman to help hold her up made that easy to point out. "You're not in the condition to travel - I'm still tempted to call for one of our healers." Erani would come as soon as she was called, and Chrysanthe had it in full mind to reinstate her as their lead healer because she was truly the best that Valhalla had. Past transgressions be damned.