
falling away



4 Years
03-24-2015, 01:45 AM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2015, 01:46 AM by Tinaro.)
Sometimes he wondered if he honestly did have a fear of the rapids. It would have been best if his brother hadn't told him so much about the territory, despite the fact being tiny in its relevance. "This is where dad died." Those were the only words he could remember from their conversation, and he found himself always furiously shaking his head to rid his thoughts of the dark substance that consumed them. Ever since he had been told, visiting the rapids had become almost a customary part of his routine. There was no purpose behind why he did so, perhaps it was just out of respect.

His emerald gaze cast itself across the surging water while his undeveloped mind busily attempted to figure out how a harmless liquid that was a necessity for life could also swallow one's life just as effortlessly. Why did nature have to be so confusing and complicated? If it wasn't for his fear of water, perhaps his mischievous ego would love to take a daring move and hop across the rocky steps that jutted out from the rapids. Was it silly for him to fear water?
The whole time his mind was stuck in a thick daze, he never realised the other soul beside him. How long had the other pup been sitting there? Had he seen Tinaro? Judging by the trance-like state he had just been through, the other pup probably thought of him as weird. What a great way to get started with strangers.
"Oh! I didn't see you there." The older chestnut boy exclaimed in wide surprise as his cranium turned to observe the larger caramel pup. Was it the intimidating size that lessened his confidence? Perhaps it was because he had never spoken to anyone other than family.