
The Kid's Aren't Alright


03-24-2015, 06:54 AM

Eirik. It was a name the young man was going to do his hardest to remember. The other boy wouldn’t be too hard to place, being that he was the son of the alpha pair. It made Einarr wonder what it felt like to be the child of an alpha, in all honesty. He would frown some as the boy went on. So his father was strict on him too? That actually surprised him a little, not that Einarr had much experience with fatherly roles. His mother had been the primary caretaker in his life. She was more strict than two parents put together sometimes, however.

“She can be, yeah.” Einarr would grin. “My mom is small, but she’s strong and smart. Fierce too. I bet most male wolves would dare mess with her now.” The young man knew the truth about his father now after all. There was little doubt in his mind that Akemi would tear a male a new one if he dared tried to do anything to her. “She thinks that I would make a good sentry for the pack too.” He would smile slightly.

“She thinks the world of your father you know. She’s really appreciates the fact he let us into Secretua.”

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Table by:: Shelby