
Mirror, Mirror; You Keep Me Well


03-24-2015, 07:03 AM

Sorrel was rather confident in his answer about Ellingham being back. Yes, the owl certainly seemed to be around to stay, after sticking with them threw the storm. He meant well, and it was wonderful to see that his brother had a friend. Even if Ellingham was persistent, and perhaps a bit of an annoyance to his brother, Félicien was glad someone other than himself found themselves able to interact with the other golden boy. Sorrel would also comment on the subject of sleep as well, though luckily his twin forgave him rather easily.

“I guess so.” The boy would say gently. “I guess it’s strange, me waking up before you now... Even though back then you were always rather content to stay curled up in the den. It’s kind of funny how times have changed.” He would smile, his tail thumping the ground now. “I want to become stronger, Sorrel. I want to learn some sort of skill to benefit Threar... You’re already a skilled healer. But I...” He would falter, frowning. “What do you think I should do?” He would ask gently, wanting his brother’s input.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Eldarwen