
Wake Me Up {Birthing Thread}


03-24-2015, 07:16 AM

Every whimper and whine would cause Kar to shudder with worry. The scent of blood seemed thicker in her nose than ever before. He was afraid for his mate, for the unborn pups that were still within her womb. Soon she would give birth to their young again. This process scared him. How scary it could be, just watching. Yet it was his beloved Nalyda who had all the hard work. He would shiver some as she made a request of him, and for a moment he was terrified that if he left her side he would come back and she would be dead.

The man would slowly rise, placing a kiss upon her head. “I will... But... Please be safe.” He whispered to her. He would take a breath before pushing out of the den. He would be back before long to check on her, though he’d fulfill her request of checking on the others first. Luckily the dens were not all that far apart, so it wouldn’t take too long to make sure all was well with them before coming back to her side.

"Nalyda Speech," "Kar Speech"

Table by:: Keno