
What A Load Of...!



4 Years
03-24-2015, 12:29 PM

The woman's eyes roved across her form, and a smirk slowly spread across her maw. Good, this one realized the beauty that stood before her, unlike so many others who didn't dare to give her a second glance. Stupid creatures they were, but this one was a keeper. Brains and looks, a combination that she only thought possible of her own bloodline. When the one before her replied, she noted the accent within her own words. Ah, another not from these parts. Well that would certainly explain why she was so different, all the wolves she had met thus far were all daft little critters. Figures that the giant was not from around here, although Rozenn felt comfort in that. Once the red marked woman spoke, her smile grew even wider as her rust and white tail flicked behind her like a pleased cat, head raising a little higher. "Indeed, ma chère, I was not born in these boring lands. And I take from your voice as well as your brain that you were not as well. All others here are far too inferior to be birthed at the same place to one as wise as yourself." A compliment? From Rozenn? Had hell truly frozen over? Must be, as her silver eyes drank in the sight of the pretty one before her. The taller woman asked her name, and slowly she lowered herself to her haunches, tail curling at her side as she did so. "Rozenn," she said, the 'r' rolling delicately off her tongue. "and yourself? I doubt something like 'Sue' or 'Betty' is what you are called. If so, I will be most disappointed. A foreign looking wolf deserves at least a name to accompany it." She said, tossing a wink in the woman's direction. Oh yes, it was time to play.

Art by Keno

Claude is allowed to enter any thread that Rozenn is in, private or not. This is your warning.