
nothing autotune cant fix



10 Years
Extra large
03-24-2015, 12:33 PM
Dark paws danced across the verdant terra, ethereal movements soft despite her size. The pallid dancer was finding herself in more and more interesting places each day, it seemed. Languid strides carried her toward a strange landscape. Green foliage became bleached of all colour, even the trunks of the trees seemed ghostly. Mercury pools would drink it all in silently, awed by the view. It was quite beautiful, in a simple kind of way. Powerful paws would traipse toward the nearest tree, seeking to inspect it further. It looked unharmed, maybe it was just a special kind of tree. Never before had the alabaster dame seen a tree so pale, even birch trees bore leaves that turned from green to gold and charcoal scores upon its trunk. Sniffing at the bark cautiously, she would note that it didn't smell off in the least. With a low huff, she would back away and continue on her path. It was quite nice here, the sky was dark with the promise of rain. That left it cool, albeit ominous. Tail would sweep across her tall heels with each stride, slender hips swaying to and fro.

As the towering ivory woman crested the hill, the true beauty of this place showed itself. Immense stones stood in a protective circle around a babbling stream. A soft gasp would escape her, shivers rolling down her spine. This place seemed something straight from the tales of her youth, otherworldly and promising faeries. A small smile would play upon inky lips as the woman strode forward, gaze flicking all over. Carved into the monoliths were runes she didn't recognize, old and well worn by the elements. Flank would fondly brush against the immense slab, offering affection and respect to the mysterious rock. Delicate steps would pull her toward the stream, which wasn't in fact a stream at all. It was a softly glowing spring, illuminated by forces she couldn't name. Had the gods done this? Or was it the faeries? Peering over the edge into the crystalline aqua, audits would perk curiously. What a strange and lovely place this was.

Movement stirred within the depths of the spring, silvery forms rippling through the darkness. Mind would tease at fanciful tales and a childhood of Russian stories and lessons in royalty. A low hum would rise in her throat, an attempt to coax the fictitious beasts from the depths. Maybe they would grant her a wish, she mused with a hint of sarcasm. It wasn't that she didn't believe in the supernatural, more that she wasn't one to believe things she didn't see. Cranium would lower toward the waters edge, muzzle dipping below the surface of the water. With a grin, the pale femme forced air from her lungs, which escaped her nostrils in a plethora of bubbles. Crown would rear back and shake droplets from her whiskers. Quietly she would laugh, tail wagging at her rump.