
Home Sweet Home, I Guess...



4 Years
03-24-2015, 12:37 PM

He inspected the land around them, seemingly to pick out danger. She rolled her eyes, silver gaze narrowing slightly. There was no danger here, they hadn't seen a single soul for miles! But there were more important matters on hand, like the literal thorn in her paw. It wasn't just a feeling that she used to describe her brother. Quickly Claude closed the distance between them, taking one look at her paw and stating that she was not going to die. Her eyes narrowed even further, a gasp leaving her mouth. "You don't know that! For all I know the thorn is poisonous, or some animal peed on that. What if there is now pee in my paw? How is that no-" She was cut off when her brother not-so-nicely ripped the thorn from her paw, shock flooding down her spine. She let out a cry and then a whine, shaking her paw to scatter the few blood droplets that hard formed. "You are a mean, cruel man." She spat, still keeping her hurt paw raised as she shuffled on her butt, turning to face the other way with a huff. Her nose turned up to the sky, a habit it would seem. He purred mockingly at her, and the woman tossed a glare at him over her shoulder. "Idiot," she muttered under her breath, rambling on as he went on to say that it would have to do here. Ha! She looked at him again, silver eyes nearly closed with how much she had narrowed them. "Damn right this is good enough! I'm not moving another step!" Roze called, head snapping back around to look away from him. Stupid Claude with his stupid scheduled, trying to find a stupid home with a stupid creek. Stupid...


Claude is allowed to enter any thread that Rozenn is in, private or not. This is your warning.