
I'm Not Gonna Write You a Love Song


06-08-2013, 02:07 AM (This post was last modified: 06-09-2013, 12:35 AM by Cherokee.)

He?d never met anyone like her before, which was probably one of the big reasons he was so?taken by her. Her nearly pure ivory fur and mismatched eyes gave her a unique beauty, something not found often back where he was from. Her cute little giggle snapped him from his thoughts, his stomach doing flips. She made him nervous and self-consciously but by some miracle he was able to keep everything beneath the surface, away from her observant eyes. His having caught his own fish hadn?t disrupted her own eating, but he had noticed how her eyes had tracked his movements, watching as he?d put some space between them to rid himself of the water, mindful of her avoidance of water at the moment. She seemed pleased that he had taken the effort to reduce her contact with water. He was a nice guy after all.

For a while Cherokee thought he would be alone, with only the sound of his pawsteps and shadow for company. He?d nearly come to terms with what appeared to be his fate, until he?d met Song of course. He didn?t know what exactly it was that drove him to request company from the porcelain dove, but he?d done it anyway. Had it been desperation at the lack of interaction with his own kin? He supposed it didn?t matter now. He was here with her and that was all that mattered. The feeling that were stirring in his gut were strange, ones he?d never had before, but he didn?t shy away from them, instead embracing them. Why should he push them away when they opened the doorway for him to maybe be around a woman like Song for a long time?

It felt really nice to share a meal with a beautiful lady. A new experience for the recently turned three year old. If Song stuck around a bit more, he felt like he would be having a lot of more new experiences. Audits flickered forward with attention as she spoke. The obsidian brute nodded in agreement. Couldn?t have said it better myself. He chuckled through bites, polishing off his meal in little more than a few bites. His stomach was sated now, full of delicious fish. An unconscious smile spread across his jaws at Song?s words. She was just amazing. And yet I think you are so much better miss Song. he countered.

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