
Taste of adventures past



6 Years
Extra large
03-24-2015, 04:48 PM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2015, 04:48 PM by Glacier.)

The sights he had brought her here to witness where all but forgotten for the titan. Now, all he cared about was being with the girl beside him a little longer, to hear her voice, learn of her pasts, and to be able to keep his head lightly rested against her own until she had to leave his side once more. Well the night was likely chilly, the brute's core temperature always seemed to be warm, on more then one occasion his siblings had used him for a heating pad – but perhaps if anything this explained a little further his love for the cold. He inched a little closer to her, pressing his warm fur against her to ensure she didn't feel the cold of the growing night about them.

Her agreement to his game was hesitant, and well there was one question he wanted to ask the most – what or who had made her so timid of strangers? He decided to ease her into the game, instead of throwing out a wild card like that one. It seemed he would be the one to begin the game, and he hummed for a moment in thought, his throat vibrating against the base of her skull before he opened his mouth and spoke. “Alright, Little Mouse, I ask you this – do you have a favorite place in the world? This question can be perceived in whatever way you wish, for example my favorite place in the world is besides those whom I love” he gave another secret smile as he further explained his question, after all, right here and now could be considered his favorite place in the world.