
Taste of adventures past



6 Years
Extra large
03-24-2015, 05:47 PM (This post was last modified: 03-27-2015, 10:50 PM by Glacier.)

His subtle movements to scoot closer and keep her warm turned out to be the right thing to do as she leaned closer to him and the two where comfortably, and well pressed into each others sides, her head against his fur, his head against hers and enjoying the brilliance of the night together. He was well aware of his feelings now, and did not know if she shared them. All he knew was that she enjoyed his company, and he knew also, now, that he would be there for her for the rest of her days – or for as long as she allowed. He would protect, and watch over her, he would love her, weather she shared those feelings or not. Glacier didn't love easily, but when he did, it was everything.

He could almost hear her thought process, which was accompanied by thoughtful noises, and a surprising 'oh' he lifted his head slightly off her own to better peer down at her, his look amused as he waited for an answer, which he was sure was about to come. What he didn't expect, was the sadness in her tones as she went on to explain what her favorite place was. His eyes widened as he settled his head against her again. Her parents where dead? How had he not known this? He knew she wasn't exactly alone in the world, but definitely her world was smaller then he had realized. He was ashamed to have missed this important fact, in their fun and adventures, and he wondered when she had lost them – before he had known her? “It sounds like the most wonderful final resting place” he replied gently, squeezing her gently with his head and body before realizing the pressure.

He would nod lightly, letting her feel the movement through her fur through she could not see it, when she asked if it was her turn now. She would turn things back to lighter thoughts as he asked what animal he wished to be. “Hmm, not something I've thought of before, but I was to say the first animal that comes to mind, I would say... A Polar Bear. They are strong animals, ferociously protective of their family, which is their young, and even better suited to the ice then I, so perhaps I have a lot in common with them – except of course their isolation, I would never leave my siblings” his words where thoughtful, and a little amused. He didn't want to be the one asking all the hard questions, so he settled on one more, well he hoped, lighter question before eh would begin moving on to the ones he really wanted to know. “What is your favorite time of day?”
