
Taste of adventures past



5 Years
03-24-2015, 06:08 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

She felt the hold Glacier had around her constrict as he did his part to comfort her, a gesture that was somewhat out of time but one that was entirely welcome. It was never an easy thing, bringing up her parents like that, and often the timid girl chose against it as a means of keeping those saddened thoughts at bay. But there was something healing about talking about them, and especially to Glacier, that made it actually okay in the end. And since he was so close to her, and growing closer the longer they stayed friends, Anais knew he had a right to know that about her. It was sad, yes, but it was a truth of her life, and she wanted to share those past events with him. "It really is," she answered quietly, glad at least that her parents had a beautiful place to rest now that they were no longer among the living.

Her question moved the game along, and she seemed to have caught Glacier a little by surprise with her unexpected question. Her tail wagged in delight at knowing it, though it was his answer that actually drew a genuine laugh from her. A polar bear? She should have known! He certainly reminded her a bit of a polar bear. He had the size down already, and that protective streak that he mentioned. Though he was right about the isolation; that sounded like the worst of all the polar bear's qualities. "I think they would miss you too much," she added as he spoke of his siblings. After knowing Voltage a little better, she was sure losing Glacier to his own devices would have distressed him something terrible since he was all about keeping everyone close and happy.

The questions were turned on her then, and the one Glacier chose was one that made her grin again. Hmm, what was her favorite time of day? She only needed a second to think before she answered clearly and decisively, "Morning. Maybe not sunrise 'cause that's really early, but after that, when the sun's up and everything's starting to get warm. I like the light and knowing there's still a whole day ahead of me that I can fill with fun things." Of course, fun things for was a relative thing. Hunting was fun, as was spending time with Lebrah. And then there were her adventures with Glacier. Hmm, what to ask now..? "I know it's kind in your name, you really like the cold?"
Art by Dancing Crows

* Because he has become her protector, Glacier is allowed into any and all threads that Anais may be in, regardless of how they are tagged.