
dont you bore us



10 Years
Extra large
03-24-2015, 06:21 PM (This post was last modified: 03-24-2015, 06:22 PM by Lirika.)

til we're stripped down to our skeletons again

Her brother shed himself another tear, but hardly seemed to notice them. At her accusing tone, he grit his teeth and dropped his gaze. Yes, the truth had bite to it, didn't it? He uttered a single syllable, deterring her fears for a moment. He was staying, for now. The way he watched her, with eyes so much darker than her own, she felt exposed. Audits would flatten against her skull, uncomfortable under his stare. She'd hold his gaze stubbornly, not wanting to give in. She wouldn't be the one to look away, he deserved to feel this tightening in his chest when she looked upon him. Was there regret in his heart, for what he'd done? Most of her doubted it, but that tiny part in the back of her head wanted so desperately for him to feel sorry. Wanted everything to go back to the way it was, when it was just the two of them and they were okay. Even without parents, they'd been alright. The logical part of her knew that could never happen.

She watched him blink, eyes losing their glassiness. Hoarse vocals would ask a simple question, one that conveniently deviated from anything that might risk them having to deal with their problems. Her mercury gaze would drift away from the shadowed male in the entrance of the cave. They sought the vague forms that haunted the edges of the cavern, in the darkness.
"Not long. Week, maybe two." Accented lyrics would reply softly, slim shoulders rising and falling in a gentle shrug. She felt shaky, her posture was no longer regal in the least. Shoulders slumped in defeat, tail drooping pathetically. Nothing interesting had happened, really. She'd met a few wolves, no one particularly interesting. An audible sigh would escape her, mildly frustrated with the situation. The alabaster dame felt like she should have remained in the motherland, as this was far from a pleasant experience so far. She didn't even have a goal here, just up and decided to see if it was at all like she'd remembered. It was pretty much the same.

"You?" Soft melodies would enquire, gaze drifting back over to her brother. She was tired, and now she was under emotional stress. This night had been far too eventful for her tastes. Muscles quivered faintly, and she wanted to crawl back into that niche and die. Brows knit together deeply as she looked upon him, waiting for him to give up on her again. Sure, her adventures as a child had taken her away from the pack for a day or two at a time- but did that really mean she deserved to be abandoned without warning like that? He'd just left, and she'd never seen him again; until now. Haunches would drop heavily onto the stone floor, defeated utterly. Not another word would escape her, waiting for the inevitable. He'd be gone soon, deciding he was better off without her.

"there's a jet black crow going on and on and on"

til we're saints just swimming in our sins again