
in another life


06-08-2013, 02:50 AM

until the end
that's where we begin

She followed, tracked, sought him out in the most defiant of manners, caring little if she was still welcomed or wanted here. She cared only if she was wanted by him, craved him, and yet knew he may not desire her any longer -- may have moved on, forgotten her, been glad to see her go. But such thoughts would only cause her agony, send her into a detrimental downward spiral, and so she shoved them away, continued walking, dancing through the pale snows that blended against her fur and made her little more than a wraith upon the earth, easy to miss, easy to ignore. She hunted fervently, determined and eager, and it was only as she saw a shadow -- a haunted, blackened ghost -- that she froze, slid to a halt, turned towards that shape and stared, her pale gaze widening, ears twisting forth. It took only a moment's glance to know that this was the one she sought, but now that she had found him, she seemed lost, uncertain what to do, uncertain if he still held any love for her. Her muscles trembled and quaked, quivering with the urge to go to him, but she remains a statue, lurking in the forest's shadows and silently hoping she would be noticed -- approached, wanted, loved.