
My know it all


03-24-2015, 10:25 PM

So his family had been in trouble...? Shrike would frown, feeling bad for the man as he watched his expression. It must have been sad, hard, to lose his family. The young man would give a sad smile as the man bopped his now gently though. “I’m sorry about you’re family... But I’m sure if they knew you were looking for them they would have greatly appreciated it.” The boy wasn’t exactly good with loss, but he was trying to do his best for the sake of the sad gentleman before him.

Then, just like that, his father would appear. Shrike would fall quiet, for one of the few rare times in his life. His father was far more comforting than he was, though Shrike would take a great bit of pride in his father’s words. His chest would puff out, grinning up at his father. “I’ll do my best, dad!” He would pipe up, letting his gaze shift back to the stranger.

His smile would frown once more and the boy would bound closer to the man, looking up at him. “We can all look for her together. You’re mate... Your pups. We’ll find them.” His voice was full of hope as he glanced at his dad. “We won’t give up... You’re part of our family again.” He’d look back to Quelt, smiling. Oh... If only the boy understood.


Table by:: Eldarwen