
Sister Mine


03-24-2015, 11:09 PM

Sabine would take a few moments of silence before she spoke. Sunniva knew her sister was intelligent, not one to simply jump into giving an answer if she could help it. She would not press Sabine to answer faster either, instead enjoying the tasty morsels of fresh kill that she dug into. She was glad that she was able to get a meal for her sister as well, though, at the same time, a bit frustrated as well once she answered. Still not a single sign, and the one stranger that she really ran into that she could have asked questions about left before she could bother to do so. It really was a bother.

The female would shake her head as Sabine asked if she might have a better idea. “As much as I wish that were the case I do not. It’s just a bit frustrating to not have any word yet, especially with a trait so noticeable as his own.” The female would gaze down at the carcass in thought. “I guess I’m worried about if we never find him. If we’re going the completely wrong path is all.” Sunniva would shake her head.

“Though better to try and fail than to do nothing, right?” She would manage a small smile, tearing off a hunk of meat for herself once more.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Art by:: Tealah