
Tell me of history not yet written



6 Years
Extra large
03-25-2015, 02:02 AM

Voltage didn't smile as Glacier entered, and as the Titan settled down his smaller brother would give a world-weary sigh, and let the silence settle in between them for longer then what was normal for his excitable brother. Knowing something big had happened in Voltage's life, but knowing also that he was physically fine, he did his bets to let his brother know he was here for him, nuzzling his head gently into his brothers soft coat, and waiting for him to open up.

When he spoke, that one sentence would explain everything to Glacier, he could hear the melancholy in his tones, and he put together everything about the way Voltage was acting. There where a couple ways people could react after finding the one, this weary, heart-broken way Voltage was acting worried Glacier a great deal, through he still didn't speak, he just let his brother say it on his own terms.

Voltage would elaborate to say that she was perfect, and Glacier nuzzled his brother gently again, and finally spoke. “Brother dear, sounds like reason to rejoice, but you look like you've just been to a funeral, is there a reason you can't be together?” he asked gently, his won thoughts turned without his meaning to, to Anais. He had learned so recently what Voltage had learned much more quickly, he was in love with Anais. When Glacier loved, it was for life, he had learned in that moment that he also had found the one because Glacier would never love another.
