
I am trying



2 Years
Extra large
03-25-2015, 06:08 AM
To be fair to Varda, it wasn't typical for a pack to spend every moment with an ill member even if it was the Author or your mother. They'd paid visits to their father during his illness though certainly not as frequently as either would have liked, both parents fearing the children would get ill too. Not to mention it hadn't been apparent how badly Novella was affected. She had simply seemed tired, busy with her newest children and Varda had graciously given her the space to bond with them in the same manner she'd had nothing but time for them when they had been born and first started exploring the world.

This useless feeling was one that Aslan could sympathise with. Of course they wished to see their mother return to her normal self, and neither of them had any idea of what they could do to help her at all. For Aslan he did what he could, helping to support the rest of the pack, take some burden from his parent's shoulders to give his father rest and his mother time to recover. It was all he could think to to for even Sorrel was having difficulty from a healer's viewpoint, what hope did he have of finding a miraculous cure?

"I don't know." He wasn't really great at offering information, though they didn't have much in the first place. "I guess we just have to do whatever we can to help whilst she's recovering, try keep her from worrying and stressing herself out more." Kept him busy too, and he liked that. Sad around bored and worrying for his mother certainly wouldn't have done him any good.