
earth angel [cypress]


03-25-2015, 07:56 AM
Cypress would watch her, watching as those words seemed to set in. He wanted to help her, to make her happy, to make her smile. Cy knew pain, he knew that others didn’t deserve to hurt, especially not someone who was suffering so. No... He damaged state only spoke of her goodness to him. He would allow her close, gently resting his head over her own, hoping that his presence would become a source of comfort. Become a source of hope. Cy would coo softly, continuing to speak to the femme.

“It is good to try.” He would say. “If we do not try, then nothing gets done.” He would hold onto Arian, closing his eyes, breathing slow, keeping calm. “I can not promise that you will never lose anyone again, Arian. This world will take someone from you eventually... But... I can promise this.” Cypress would open his eyes, gently drawing back so that he could look in her eyes, so that she could see the truth in his mismatched gaze.

“I swear to you that I’m not going anywhere. I will take no careless risks and I will defend Fiori, our family. I will protect everyone close to you, close to us, and I will hold our family together. I will be your knight, Arian. I will keep you safe, and make sure you don’t hurt again. I’ll help you find your way back in this world. I swear upon my very life, by my honor, I will help you and stay by your side.” The young man would move closer again, wrapping around her in an embrace.

“It’s alright to weep. To be afraid. I will be here to beat down any fear that rises into your heart. I will not disappear, Arian. I am here now... And a knight does not go back on his word. I live to serve as not only your knight, but your friend.” With every word was a promise. A promise he would do everything to keep. Arian needed him. Needed stability... And... Truthfully... So did he.