
a shot in the dark



2 Years
03-25-2015, 03:44 PM

He was irritated enough to be called away from his guard over Minerva, but for this? What were they expecting, a happy family reunion? For a time he stayed silent, letting everyone else have their say, but the pair just kept talking. They came here claiming to be... half siblings? to Mom and Dad and insinuating that... Mom and Dad had been siblings and not mates? How could they even say something like that? Of course they were mates, babies only came from mates. Not siblings. Did they think that they'd be too young to catch that? But still they just kept talking.

Atreides gave a short barking laugh at the end of their little speeches. He'd thought his sisters had summed things up pretty neatly but these adults just weren't getting it, were they? "We don't need your help," he said bluntly, and turned his scowl on the male, "and we don't need someone to patronize us either. I've already got a family. We've been doing just fine on our own." He pushed himself to his feet. He wasn't much feeling amused at the moment - if anything he was feeling insulted. Where were these wolves when Mom and Dad died? When Bellona died? When they had struggled on their own to take care of Minnie? Touching his sisters' shoulders gently with his nose one then the other, he turned on his heel to stalk away. He wasn't going to make a decision for either of his siblings - they didn't work that way, they had to trust each other more than that - but he wasn't going to sit around and let these grownups try to push and poke him into some new little family group either. "You can call yourselves Armadas all you want," he fired a parting shot back over his shoulder, "but you'll never live up to Mom and Dad. They were Armadas. You're just someone else's soldiers."
