
dont you bore us



10 Years
Extra large
03-25-2015, 08:52 PM (This post was last modified: 03-25-2015, 08:53 PM by Lirika.)

I've got those jet pack blues

He offered his own take on what was going on in his head, cautiously stepping toward her with a gentle frown upon his hardened features suddenly. A small nod would lift and lower her cranium, the most she could currently manage. She blinked rapidly, sniffling a few times. Why was she crying? This was a very serious moment, and there was no time for tears. Loudly she would inhale, drawing breath into her lungs as smoothly as she could. It would release a lot less smoothly, catching in her throat on several occasions. She felt her brothers proximity, rather than seeing him.
Don't panic now.. Her mind whined, waiting for what he would do next. There was a chance they could try and rebuild the tiny bridge they'd had, but if he spooked there wouldn't even be a possibility. It wasn't a second later that he offered a tentative embrace. Warm neck would encircle her own, offering affection. Soft vocals rumbled through his throat, each word vibrating through her chest.

Another harsh sniffle, breathing steadier than before. Cheek would find itself resting in the hollow of his throat, gaze upon his pale toes. Another quiet remark reverberated through her.
"I missed you too." She whispered, soft melodies hoarse now. The alabaster dancer hadn't realized it was true until now. Her mother couldn't be blamed, she was dead. Her father- well, grief made monsters of us all. But Viddy, he'd made a choice. Forgiveness was hard to offer. No other words would find themselves on her tongue, the pale she wolf felt she might risk offending him if she continued. Say something about the pack he'd left her to join, ask if he'd met someone he liked better than her. It wouldn't be hard to figure out that he most likely had. He wouldn't have left her for no reason, right? Soft breaths would leave her now, each one wreathed in fine mist. It was getting much cooler now.

Her brothers embrace was something she hadn't known herself to miss for some time. In the early days, when she'd been all on her own at night, she'd miss his warmth. Once she'd left Alacritia for her mothers homeland, she'd stopped herself from even thinking about him. However, here and now, she was faced with this knowledge. She really had missed her brother. Lashes would flutter with each languid blink, muscles quivering with exhaustion. Emotions were difficult things to be dealt with. As was the climb up here she'd made earlier in the evening.

"I remember"

the kind that make june feel like september