
Turning Point


03-25-2015, 10:07 PM

Philotes was quiet as she trailed after her father's scent. She had heard her brother's call, and she was confused! Why had Hercules made the call for the pack and not her aunt? Where was she? Fear of abandonment rose in her heart, and she would fight off tears as she slunk along. She was afraid. So very afraid that Pantheon would fall apart around her. After witnessing her mother's death the girl had some trauma, naturally, and she was wary, so very wary of strangers. So when she saw the strange girl clinging to Thanatos she just froze.

Her body would begin to shake, her eyes widening. Stranger danger alert! Her breath would catch in her throat and then a loud, pitiful whine escaped her like the cry of a banshee. "Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddyyyyyyy!" The small girl would wail, taking a few steps back. She didn't want to get closer to this stranger! What if she was bad? What if she'd take away Thany or Hercules? What if she took away her daddy like that mean silver lady? The tears would stream down her face, tail between her legs as she cowered down. She wanted her daddy and brothers away from this stranger. Strangers were bad.


Art by Evelyn