
earth angel [cypress]



4 Years
03-25-2015, 11:06 PM

Those words he said were dangerous, like poison sinking into her veins really. Her ears would tuck lightly, twitching towards the end of his sentences. Sometimes it just felt like her heart was going to die on itself. The constant beating of the organ scared her, when would it stop. She wandered what would happen when she died. Would the gods let her in, would she simply forget all that happened to her. Would Arian even really care in the end. She settled on herself, her blue eyes looked up at him for a moment. A knight, a friend, she needed something more than a friend but was that really okay to ask for. What if he was falling apart just as she was, if she as much poked at the wrong piece and he broke what would she do then? Wolves falling in and out of her life should've stopped her now, but she still longed for the interaction even if she knew the pain wasn't worth it on most occasions.

Her pained look changed slightly, shutting her eyes she settled herself down on the ground. rolling onto her back, her paw raised to rest beneath his chin. The fleshy part of the neck and jaw. "You're much more than a friend Cypress." she muttered. Of course it might have been rushing things, but they had meet once before. When she thought about morgana it just hurt her soul. What did it really take to love someone? How could you tell unless you honestly tried, once a stranger would become a friend. Than again, they could kill you and rip you apart as well. Arian sometimes didn't understand the world.

"Talk" "You" Think