
I am trying



2 Years
Extra large
03-26-2015, 05:16 AM
Varda made her promise and Aslan certainly believed she would do her best to keep it and of course that her best would be rather brilliant. His sister definitely seemed to have a sense of determination to her and if this was her goal now he was sure she would get it. Without worrying might prove to be a little difficult if their parents kept insisting on getting ill every time pups came into the world but they'd try their best there too. "I believe we're seeing proof to back up that statement." He responded.

A change of subject was to come next. One that was perhaps needed to lighten the mood between the two siblings again, for their mother would definitely get better, she just had to. Varda would provide the starting point for that shift, an announcement of a trip, one that took him by surprise. He had no idea that his sister had wanted to go North but then they had never spoken of it until today. "I do to." He informed her."I spoke to our father about it after the meeting. He was going to come with me, we would have left shortly after Fate and Luck were born but of course the plan had to change." And there he was threatening to pull the conversation back to their mother. He didn't blame her for it, he'd postpone the trip to the North forever if it could make Novella better.

"I'd still like to go." Now of course still wasn't a good time, they had to help their mother and their father wouldn't be able to take them. "I'm sure you can join us whenever we get around to it." Though it would have been nice to spend time with his father on such a trip, he would happily share it with Varda as well.