
Rekindling the Fire


06-08-2013, 12:46 PM
Dragneel was fascinated by these creatures, so small, was he like this when he was younger he wondered. Not knowing about the world, the pain, none of it. All they needed to do was listen to those who told them what was right what was wrong. It'd be the perfect opportunity to create a serial killer in the world, but the mind was a delicate and fragile thing. His unsettled red eyes softened when he looked at this girl, when the male showed up his ears perked as the runt lifted his head. Yes, snow was neither good nor bad, it was cold. Dragneel blinked for a moment and his attention turned back to Seraphine. "Snow, is neither good or bad, just as your sibling said. How you see it is up to you." The snowflakes fell onto his pelt. Some onto the ground and melting into droplets of water. "Snow is very cold water, it turns into this white stuff. When it touches something warmer, it returns to being water. If it's cold enough it sticks and covers the land like a blanket of fur. If you stay out in it too long, you'll get too cold." His ears flicked wondering if the pup was even listening to his explanation. Why was he giving her one anyway? His red eyes opened wide with realization. She had wanted to know, so he told her. This was the one he had been looking for, but how could he listen to something so innocent. Where was her mother in the first place.

"My name is Dragneel, what do they call you two little ones?" Dragneel asked. Sitting down with his small body, they weren't old enough to exactly be far from the den. He wouldn't be surprised if their curiosity is what got the better of them. For a servant like he was, curiosity was something that still filtered through the back of his mind. He wagged his tail, attachment, and serving, that was his purpose for his enjoyment. This small female pup had caught his interest far quicker than any other wolves. The marks on her fur she was unaware of, in which there was no need to be aware of. Faithfully, his heart was already being torn to follow whatever this female wished of him. But, there was still her parents that he would have to face. Yet if the female wished him to leave then he would, if she wished him to be kind to her parents he shall. Anything she wanted, if it so pleased her.