
I'll paint you a dreamscape



4 Years
03-26-2015, 02:22 PM

He lavished her with much needed affection, holding her close and listening quietly as she agreed to see him again. She couldn't deny how much she enjoyed his company, how much more whole she felt when she was with him. She didn't want to think about how hard it would be to stay home in Ebony the next day. For now though she would banish the thoughts and simple lose herself in his embrace. "They wont miss me much.." That was a relief at least, she wouldn't be distracting him for now. She would find herself sighing contentedly, there were no more protests to come from her. She'd feel his kiss press into her fur as the sounds of his own tiredness would become more apparent. "Sleep, my little cloud," she would certainly not argue. Snuggling in closer to his form she wouldn't have to wait long for sleep to take her. Though for a moment she would just simply enjoy the feeling of him surrounding her. Eventually her breathing would even and sleep would take her.


She only knew it was morning by the sound of birds outside, or at least she thought it was morning. The sounds the sea birds made were much different from the song birds of home. As consciousness returned to her she would feel herself panic suddenly, not having any idea why she was on a beach or who she was with. She almost freaked out, but after taking in a deep breath she'd realize the scent and the previous days events all over again. And she felt like she could melt into the arms of the man that held her still. She realized too that she would have to leave him today.

She wouldn't move much, having no wish to leave his grasp any sooner than she had to. Though her eyes were open now, and she'd stirred just enough to cuddle further into Volatge's form. A soft sigh would leave her lips, the first morning since she'd returned from pantheon the girl would not think about Solo.

Art by Evelyn