
grease is the word



7 Years
Dire wolf
03-26-2015, 05:31 PM

"Speech" thoughts actions

The soft, hesitant vocals of the darker woman filled the air again. Amethyst gaze would drift back to the veined form of the woman, blinking a few times in confusion. Eyes would follow the direction her friend looked, slowly grasping the concept of this new word. Eventually, realization would dawn upon her, jaws parting as a low rumble would escape her maw. "Aahh," would precede the translation into her native tongue "Čudno." The cosmic goliath's husky lyrics sounded much smoother when speaking in her own language, almost poetic when she strung together a simple sentence. In the common tongue, and just about any other, it was choppy and halting. She loathed that fact immensely.

When her companion asked her for a translation, she smiled lightly. It was a simple word, but she rather enjoyed the fact that Amachi was asking. She could sense that their friendship would last some time. "PriJatel." She would inform the dark female, returning to her investigation of the family that lived in the crack in the wall. She tried to stick her nose into the niche, to no avail. Surprisingly, no noise came from the crevice. Frowning, she glanced around. A group of small forms scurried across the stone floor, trying to escape her. A stunned growl that sounded a little more like a snort than anything would leave her as she pursued them. Terrified shrieks filled her ears, prompting her to pounce like a child. The sound of a hollow crack could be heard from under her paws. She winced lightly. Whoops. Lifting her paws, she found a single limp body amid the frantic movement of the rest of the family. Looks like papa mouse wouldn't be seeing any of his children any more. Trapping them between her chest and forelimbs, she watched the group try and escape. It was extremely entertaining. "Friend Amachi, come see!" She barked, grinning as she tore her gaze away to the form of her companion.