
The Power You're Supplying -- It's Electrifying!



6 Years
03-26-2015, 11:39 PM
Voltage would step into pace at her side, grinning all the while. It certainly was beautiful, for something that was always blanketted in snow, wasn't it. Large stormy eyes would gaze about, watching a puff of snow fall from the tall trees above, landing with a thump. He felt energy course through him, and in that moment all the wolf, who was very much a well respected adult, wanted to do was jump into those snow piles. If they had decided to make home along the snowy region he could survive, he decided. But oh, what a fuss Serefina would make! He knew the fire princess wouldn't be able to survive in a place that was always cold.

Blinking he turned his attention back to his friend, smiling gently. "I'm sad to say it wasn't anywhere nearby. It took me a while to reach your lands from mine. It's along the coast in the west, a beach of black sands and tall cliffs. He smiled gently then. "We do not get the snow you get, that's for sure." Voltage was rather easy going. If his home provided him a life without snow he wouldn't mind so terribly, nor would he mind if he was perpetually in the snow. "If you ever wish to make the trip, I would love to show you my home. We have far too many dens for our numbers, so there are places to sleep." He would grin, brightly. When she spoke of her place, he would nod. "It took us ages to find a place to suited each of us in turn, and even then some of us are a little more upset by the accomadations than the rest. But it's warming up to us, our little beach." If it weren't for the thunderstorms, that was.