
Let's Get Down To Business


03-28-2015, 02:02 PM

Allen would not leave Bass disappointed. The man was right, while the pack was united and strong as a unite of closeness, their actual training and fighting strength had faltered. They needed to work to better that, something that would take the entire pack to do. It would be a series of training, and he, as Gamrean, would lead the training for the Pera, Paluni, and others interested in such a rank within Abaven. The man would pad to an area within the plains, his mind at work as to how exactly he was going to run this training session. He was not used to being in the leader sort of position, but he was certainly capable of leading this youths. He only needed to try and share the wisdom he had. The rest would fall into place as the others followed his instruction and made their own takes on things.

Satisfied with where he came to a stop the man would tilt his muzzle to the sky, letting loose a howl for the members of Abaven to join him. He would also attend the hunt if he was able, as well as the and healing training. All the skills, especially for wolves under his rank, were crucial. They needed to be well rounded. They needed a bit of everything to be successful, to bear the burden of picking up the slack in any position. He would need to truly shape these wolves into something great... and he wasn't about to let Bass down.

"Hear Me Talk,"
'Read My Thoughts.'

Table by:: Tealah