
I Got Friends In Low Places


03-28-2015, 02:24 PM

The female would give him a small nudge, a kind exchange between friends. So her family were still loners, which was something he honestly wasn’t too surprised to hear, to be honest. They didn’t seem like the sort of family to give in and go join a pack, though honestly that might have worked better for them. With how many scents were on Mystic’s coat he could imagine them having a hard time finding a pack to accommodate them all, unless they made one of their own. Were either of her parents even the leader type?

But then she started to say that she had run into a pair of wolves that well, sounded exactly like Katja and Kapra! He would blink with surprise, almost speechless. They... They had tried to enslave his friend? A trade? He would flick his ears back, his seagreen eyes shining with both confusion and understanding. He knew Katja and Kapra’s nature but... He would lower his head, unsure of just what to say.

“My leg is doing alright. It has been building in strength.” The boy would frown, lifting his gaze up to her. “So... The wolves you met... Were they're names Katja and Kapra...? And... They were vikings... Right?” He would question, though he already knew the answer.

"Mystic Speech," "Hypnos Speech."

Lineart by:: Otackoon on DeviantArt