
earth angel [cypress]


03-28-2015, 02:33 PM
Cypress truly meant every word. He would be her friend, her knight. He would be a sure presence within Fiori, standing for what was right. The good of the pack. The need to protect Arian too... Protect someone who needed his help. Get them back to where they needed to be. That thought burned within his mind. This person was Arian. He wanted to be there for her. She needed him. He could sense it, and that need gave him purpose. He would not fail her. Until his very last breath he would fight to keep her safe and happy.

Arian would settle down to the earth, rolling onto her back. He was surprised, her paw resting under his chin. He would let that smile become something so soft, his heart skipping a beat. Something more. Yes, they were certainly rushing things. Two damaged youths who wanted something, someone, to hold onto and have a source of hope. The young man would look down at her and speak softly, almost as if he was afraid he was going to wake up and this moment wouldn’t be real.

“...I... I would like to be.” The young man would confess. “I want to keep you safe, Arian. I can’t exactly explain it but... I connect with you.” As the saying went, misery loved company. Those who were hurt were bound to come together and understand far better than another would.

“I swear... I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be a constant in your life.”