
earth angel [cypress]



4 Years
03-28-2015, 02:59 PM

Her crystal eyes shined at his, for a moment and if only a moment she was content in these times. Her sorrows buried themselves in her heart in the deep corner that labelled itself depression, it haunted her life and the demons wouldn't leave. She rolled over to her back, even with her difficulty being three legged she pressed up against his chest and head. Rubbing like a cat, some sense of compassion in it as she stayed there. "I won't leave you behind either. Your personal healer." He'd probably be the only one she trusted to have pride in her healing. Though her sister had been excited for it as well. She lifted her ear, to settle between the fur on his chest. Just to listen to his heartbeat, it was beating and his blood was moving through his body. Her shivers and shakes no longer existed even if it was only for him and perhaps her mother.

"You're soft, warm, heart beats with a sense of being. Sometimes I wish mine was the same." As she settled herself next to him, she slipped down onto all four of her paws laying on her stomach. She wished for him to curl himself around her, even if it was only for a few moments. It had been ages since she had welcomed any sort of touch of the sort. And how would they ever know if they didn't try, it would take a while for her heart to truly trust him, but she was trusting herself for it to happen in time.

"Talk" "You" Think