
Surreal x Falk Pups!



8 Years
03-28-2015, 03:12 PM
OOC: Total word count for:
Personality: 387 words
Appearance: 595 words
Role Play Sample: 446 words

Name: Thaidon

Design #: 12

Gender: Male

Light To Dark Allegiance: Lawful Good

Personality:PUP: As a pup Thaidon will do as he is told. He tends to like the rules though isn't against breaking the ones he doesn't like. He's a very honest pup that is quite blunt when he speaks. Sugar coating things is not what he does. He plays hard and loves to play fight. Even as a young child Thaidon is not exactly the typical pacifistic lawful good wolf as he is anything but as he isn't against getting into an actual fight with another pup. The boy is very loyal to those deserving of it and he takes responsibility for his own actions and tends to not make excuses. (109 word count)

TEENAGER: Like most teenagers, when it comes to something he likes doing he will know it all(or at least he will think he does). Though still loyal to those deserving he is more willing to mouth when they tell him to do something. He speaks his mind more often but still tells the truth. Just as he had once played hard he will take his training seriously. At this age Thaidon will be even more blunt with his words than he was as a pup, saying what ever comes to mind. Though making more excuses than he use to he still takes responsibility for his own screw ups. (107 word count)

ADULT: Now full grown he will be more willing to take advice than to tell you to shut up and let him do it unless its his own job. He doesn't like being told how to do things he already knows how to do and is likely to tell you to F off and if you still don't shut your maw he may just take a hunk out of your hide for you. He is extremely loyal and puts his trust only in those who have proven they deserve it. Just as he was when he was a child he is very honest and blunt, occasionally he finds himself having to bite his tongue to keep himself from getting into trouble. He is very protective of his family sometimes too protective and being one of the few fighting lawful good wolves in Alacritis, if you hurt his family he will try to make you regret every second of it. He even refuses to place his own wrong doings on someone else's shoulders. (171 word count)

Appearance: PUP: Thaidon dose not appear to have a base color simply because of how many colors paint his pelt. As a puppy he will be a stout fluff ball of browns, blacks, tans and even a little bit of white though none of his colors will be distinctly separate from the others aside from the small white markings on three of his paws, the tip of his tail, a spot on his forehead and the under side of his neck. As a pup he will look almost as if someone couldn't decide on whether or not to use black brown or tan so swirled them all together. Both of his eyes will be a dark blue. (115 word count)

TEENAGER/ADULT: As Thaidon grows, the colors in his pelt will become more distinct as his thick soft fur begins to lay down rather than stand up like that of a pup's. The white spot on his forehead would remain as would the white on three of his paws, though the white would only be on his toes. The very tip of his tail and the wide line on the underside of his neck would also stay white. However the colors over the rest of his body would change and become gain shape. His head from the base of his ears to the tip of his nose would be grey aside from a brown mark that would coat the top of his muzzle and a tan ring would be around his left eye. On both of his front legs a brown stripe would stretch from his shoulders down to his toes. On the inside of all of his legs was a light tan with black marbeling almost like the outline of zebra stripes would be on the inside thigh of his back legs. The tan reaches around both back legs to look almost like tan zebra stripes over a mostly grey outer thigh. On both pack feet he has tan sock like marks aside from the white toes at the bottom. HIs tail is grey aside from two different colored stripes at the base of his tail and its white tip. The upper stripe at the base of his tail is the lightest brown found on him and the lower stripe is the darkest tan found on him. The tan found on his legs is the lightest. The rest of his body is a base of black with various stripes of browns and tans. Both eyes will still be blue only the right eye will be a dark blue and the left will be a lighter Cyan blue. (JUST TEENAGER:) Not yet full grown he will still be a stout young man. Rather than looking as though he is all lean muscle, his fur makes him look a bit thicker than he actually is but his soft silky coat still holds a lot of his puppy fluff. Being just a teenager he isn't even taller than his mother yet but when he hits his growth spurt he will be. Here his left eye is still becoming lighter. (JUST ADULT:) When Thaidon finally reaches the limits of his growth the pup fluff will be gone and he will be left a large stalky male with long, thick, smooth fur that covers the muscles of a well trained and disciplined body. By now he will have reached his full height of 36 inches so that when he stands between his parents he is exactly three inches taller than his mother and three inches shorter than his father. His right eye is as light as its going to get. (480 word count)

Roleplay Sample: It had only been hours before now and Thaidon had gotten into a fight with another pup which had resulted in him being grounded. He didn't argue with his mother when she laid down the law and made him go to their den, he hadn't even tried to put any of the blame on the other boy. The disappointment in his mothers face had been enough to make him stop and hang his head. He knew he had been wrong when he bit the other kid but at the time but he hadn't cared.

The other boy had tried to take his mouse from him. Tried to tell him that he had trespassed on the other boys hunting grounds. The colorful boy had all but told him to F off as he bluntly spoke "Your an idiot, I caught this mouse not but fifteen feet from my den. Besides you cant have hunting grounds all to yourself for two reasons, your too small and week to run a pack and two your a pup there for you cant even actually hunt yet. So go catch your own mouse and leave me alone."

The other boy hadn't liked that response so he puffed up real big and stuck his chest out as if he were trying to intimidate Thaidon. The action had only received laughter as all Thaidon saw was a spoiled rotten brat who was acting as such. And then the fight was on. The other boy had pounced on the colorful pup who had only seconds before been giggling so hard he couldn't breath. Now he was scratching and bighting at the other pup.

From a distance it had probably looked like play fighting to his mother who had been laying at the entrance to their den. That is until the other boy had bitten down so hard on Thaidon's paw that it tore skin. At that point Thaidon wasn't playing any more. He bit down just as hard on the other boys foreleg and made him cry. Served him right he thought, all they way up till his mom plucked him up off the ground. Well crap, he was in for it now.

Needless to say he had been dropped at the opening of the den yelled at and asked what had happened as all parents do. Only, when the child answered there were no excuses and the blame game wasn't played. Thaidon simply told her "I bit him." and hid his own paw from view. And now he was here, within the darkness of the den. Serving his time, however long it would be this time, and wondered what his siblings were doing. (446 word count)
My other characters are Kathleen, Ravine, Soleil, and Phoenixa(not all are currently active)