
a shot in the dark



3 Years
03-28-2015, 03:19 PM (This post was last modified: 03-28-2015, 03:26 PM by Lysis.)
They'd been rude to her from the start, but she had tried -- just as Drashiel would've wanted her to. Atreides spoke up first after Kyarst was done speaking. He'd been far more kind than usual and she was caught be surprise at their reaction to him. Her half-brother seemed to have tried to be patient with them, but it was clear they were having none of it.  "Fine," she'd snap back, though had to maintain some semblance of politeness despite the innate rage she felt building inside.  "You can disown us as family if that's what you want. I'm not going to fight you over it." she'd comment dryly to Atreides.  "But I hope you realize that your father would be ashamed of you all for not trying to get to know your very flesh and blood. I would've thought Drashiel had taught you better. And you can pretend your parents are saints all you want, but I'd like you to know it was them that abandoned me first. Drashiel was my closest friend from childhood, a brother I loved dearly, and he ran off without me -- even when he knew I needed him." And despite this, she'd come back to get to know these children. She couldn't help but bristle outwardly as she spoke. Not only were they rude, they were ignorant and entirely unwilling to even have a simple conversation with their aunt and uncle.

Only the girl, the only to offer her name, had been even a bit civil toward the pair. Even the last to leave spoke with scathing words -- 'I'd rather pretend we're not family.' No reply was needed for the rude girl and she'd watch the leaving children with narrowed eyes. Why was she even in Imperium, again? Hadn't it been for these kids? And they were tactless and rude, hardly even giving her time to speak before deny them as family. She would've thought children of Drashiel and Roman would be infinitely less ill-mannered, but who knew? She'd cast an annoyed glance to Kyarst before heading off away from the children. If they didn't want to know her, fine -- honestly, neither did she.

- exit Lysis -

Kyarst, her half-brother and closest friend, is allowed in any and all of her threads.