
And maybe I bit off more than I could chew

Rune I


5 Years
03-28-2015, 03:50 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Rune's hardened gaze stared at the golden colored male as he made no objection, no pleas, to stay in Secretua with his family. In fact, he seemed resigned to the fate the Guardian wished to condemn him to, even though it could have meant his death. It was impossible for Rune to decide whether he did it out of cowardice from not wanting to beg the leader of his pack for a place to stay or if he had simply grown a backbone and wished to accept what fate dealt to him. But either way, he backed away from the pack border, offering his goodbyes, and departed.

Staring after the broken man, the grey wolf felt just a bit of smugness. He had been right, had known that Freyr would leave and called it openly, only to have his assumptions confirmed. But as he huffed and turned his attention back toward Akemi and her children, none of which looked the least bit happy with what had happened, his pride deflated. He hated being right sometimes.

The small but strong mother called her children to her and excused them, to which Rune answered her half-hearted smile with a firm nod of his head. He let them walk ahead, giving the little family space and time to process the loss of their father figure for a second time. Eventually he would go to check on them, to see that Zisa was settling in okay and that Akemi was hanging in there. But for right now he suspected they would only need each other. With one final glance over the border at his pack's most recent loss, Rune shook his head disappointedly and turned to go make himself busy elsewhere.

-Exit Rune-