
dont you bore us



10 Years
Extra large
03-28-2015, 06:38 PM
ooc. Sorry this is such a craptastic tag xD also sorry it took so longgg

I don't wanna be needin' your love

His breath stirred the thick fur of her ruff, warm fingers of air current tickling at her skin. She took reassurance in the slight addition of pressure to his embrace. His ebony jaw dug itself a little harder into her clavicle, firm reminder of his presence beside her. She released a long sigh, breath still catching in her throat for a moment as the bellows in her chest shrunk. The embrace ended, and her brother sought to meet her icy gaze. Cautious pools of mercury would find themselves focused upon his familiar features. There was still wariness in her, confessions made to empty air didn't always hold up to ones made between souls. He made a promise to her, one that she took with a small smile.
"You don't have to do that, I spent a year on my own, didn't I? You don't have to babysit me." Tentative lyrics would murmur, a tiny smile creasing her sharp boned features. The statement was in itself another jab at him, but she couldn't bring herself to shut it all down just like that. Just because you say sorry, doesn't mean you earn forgiveness right away.

Steely optics drifted to the ground, examining her dark toes. She flexed her muscles idly, watching her claws click against the stone. How had they come to this? It used to be them against the world, and now it was more like them against each other.

"need a little love a little sympathy"

it's killing me when you're away