
drop the bass



3 Years
03-28-2015, 06:50 PM

Her brother slowly relinquished knowledge of their birth mother, bringing forth memories of a woman who looked akin to a storm cloud. He continued to announce that she'd found herself with another litter on the way, and the patchwork girl frowned deeply. Was she going to abandon this lot too? Evidently not, if the little critters were in a pack, though he didn't explicitly say she was there too. A low huff of mild irritation left her, tail tip twitching. He asked if she'd like to join him in a visit to see their new siblings, and she grinned, perking up instantly. "Hell yeah!" She yipped, tail wagging a little. Meeting kids was always great, though she was a little worried about what might happen if they went right to the borders of a strange pack in search of children. That didn't sound like a good plan at all.

Aksel's reply to her offhanded comment was very nearly bordering on violent, and the lass jerked backwards a step or two. He demanded to know if she'd been hurt somehow, and she shook her head slowly. Mismatched audits would press close to her skull nervously. "Nothing happened Aksel, jeez." She muttered, cranium lowering between narrow shoulders. Expression would shift into one of mild incredulity, brows rising as she inspected his features. "I choose to do it, I like how it makes me feel." She informed him slowly, enunciating clearly so there would be no mistaking her statement to mean something else. "Why are you getting your nuts in a bunch?" She muttered, snorting lightly.
